
Environment Specific

Drysuit Diver Course Tired of turning into an ice cube while diving? Would you like to enjoy diving to deeper depths? Or would you simply like to extend your dive season? Diving in a drysuit is ideal when air temperatures are frigid, regardless of the water temperature (but that is nice as well). We’ll cover not only HOW to dive dry,... Find Out More

Full Face Mask Course Obtaining your full-face mask certification (FFM) opens up a new diving experience unlike any you’ve had before. Having an increased field of vision, being able to breathe through your nose, or just looking like an awesome diver are all reasons why divers love diving with a FFM. While it’s easy to learn how... Find Out More

Night/Limited Visibility Course Night or Limited Visibility diving is one of our most often asked about classes, both how to get certified & “is it scary?” To answer both questions, it’s easy. Regardless of what body of water you dive in, aquatic life acts completely differently & even the most elusive come out (like our fav... Find Out More

Drift Diver Course Drift Diver | Coming soon Find Out More

Underwater Photographer Course Underwater Photographer | Coming soon Find Out More

DSMB (Delayed Surface Marker Buoy) Course DSMB (Delayed Surface Marker Buoy) | Coming soon Find Out More